Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Back on the coast, baby!
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Haan and I in his shop ^

Friday, February 20, 2009
And they stare....
Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy in Hampi

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
movin' on to the next great adventure!

I have also been graced with the presence of unbelievable people the past month......and couldn't have asked for a better group to spend 28 days with.....parting ways Monday was hard...and that's the part of travelling that never gets easier....but with plans underway, a few of us are planning the next big meet up!
Graduation was on Sunday......it started with a puja....a closing ceremony to give thanks to the deity or guru, and then headed to the beach to light on fire our version of a 'burning man' during sunset. We literally built a statue of a man with wood and scraps and burnt it.....not really sure why, perhaps in celebration of the arts, but it was interesting!.....Made me want to hit up the real 'Burning Man' this year in Nevada....anyone interested?!..
Met up with Dominic yesterday and we took the overnight bus from Panjim to Hampi........and as in any developing country, nothing is as easy as it should be!...so... the overnight bus sounds like a brilliant concept....you get a bed, its cooler then during the day and with any luck you might even be able to catch a haphazard sleep...sounds lovely right?....except the bed is shared and resembles a box, (reminded me of those cardboard forts you used to make when you were a kid), it had the loudest engine ever, there was a constant smell of diesel, that coincided with the constant honking of horns and then, but of course, it broke down!.... 15 hours later we finally arrived........tired, and grumpy, but with another great story! Hampi is inland and an ancient city from the 1500's with some pretty impressive ruins still in tact......its quaint and more like the India I was expecting to encounter...
Gonna spend a few days here and then heading to Mysore and Bangalore...not much else to report...have been eating some out of this world indian food and am there is a possibility I might end up fat as everything here is made with ghee...but one must experiance, so its a chance I will take!...
Hope all is well where ever you may be.......will write again soon!!!