I am sad to admit that I'm ready for the course to be over....part of it stemming from the itch to get travelling and moving....and the other part ready to not have yoga feel like work and more like a passion again. When each day consists of eating, sleeping, dreaming, breathing, living, doing, being and discussing yoga, it can get a bit overwhelming. And because the schedule is so intense, it really has left no energy or opportunity for any other stimulus to enter, which I think has caused a lack of balance... and in turn, left me feeling like I really have no control over what is happening!... But aside from that, is still been a crazy beautiful experience so far and am excited to have had this opportunity to grow and expand in numerous directions!...
On the lighter side of things, and in the wonderful randomness of life, my friend Dominic, from Toronto, happens to be here right now!..And since we have the same time frame and both have no exact plan, we are going to do some travelling together...which works out well, as I was a bit apprehensive travelling as a single female and its always nice to have someone to share adventures with!... Its is funny though, how we sometimes get so caught up in our own lives that we couldn't find the time to grab a beer in Toronto but manage to meet up in a completely different continent...always interesting!
What else?...my tan is starting to look like perfection and the six pack isn't far behind ( lol, I wish!)...my favourite new Indian dish is palak paneer, which is creamed spinach with spices and a cheese that is similar to tofu......so so good....I have also acquired a small obsession with fresh coconut water and has become part of my daily routine!.....
I also may have discovered that papaya is a natural diuretic and does a really grand job 'cleaning you out'........word of advice, if you ever find yourself inclined to eat an entire papaya the size of a football in one sitting, make sure you are near a bathroom!!...( not that I would know, of course =0 ) ...............
Officially, I have entered the world of Indian technology and bought a SIM card for my cell....its a bit weird but does make life much more convenient...and last but not least, I have obtained the first, (of many I am sure) war wound of my travels....Synpopsis..while walking merrily down a street in Arambol, in a state of complete oblivion, a van came hurtling towards me with no intent of stopping...so without much a choice, I frantically jump out of the way and promptly into an exhaust pipe of a freshly parked motorcycle, searing the outside of my leg! Not exactly the souvenir I was hoping for!....Luckily for me, the doctors 'office' and i use that word loosely, was just down the street. The sign said "Ayurvedic Medicine" and consists of a blanket, wedged between 2 clothing stores, selling the exact same thing, all of which are sharing the space with a couple of those scared cows!...After an examination, he mixed together a bunch of powders, from the 50 or so jars he had, into a paste and slathered it on my leg....imagine my surprise when it smelt like curry ....lol...however, after the initial stinging and beyond the smell, my entire burn formed a massive blister in about 3 mins, which slightly resembled a tumor...not convinced if that was a good or bad thing, but happy to report I am still alive!!....
Off to class....and more studying....super busy last week........and can't believe is febuary already!
Hope everyone is surviving the ice age over there.......heard the snow hasn't stopped...keep warm and I will try to send some heat your way!!!
namaste xx

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